We are operating in 200+ countries and 30+ languages. 

Our mission

Helping students
enrol in your university

We connect prospective students with your university when deciding where to enrol

Future students have specific concerns and questions that you can answer. Talking with them at the right moment, will have a big impact in their decision to enrol in your university.

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Concerns for new students

Overall expenses

Tuition fees are a primary worry, continually rising and varying significantly. Living expenses, including housing, food, and utilities, are substantial, especially in urban areas. Additional costs include textbooks, technology, transportation, healthcare, and extracurricular activities.

Insurance and healthcare are vital for students, particularly abroad. Health insurance protects against high medical costs, ensuring access to necessary treatments and emergencies. Without it, students face financial strain and potential disruptions to their studies and well-being.

Social and cultural integration, along with language barriers, are significant concerns for all students. Adapting to new places, social norms and cultural differences can be overwhelming. Language barriers further complicate communication and academic success

Key issues include navigating complex visa application processes, meeting stringent documentation requirements, dealing with long processing times, and adhering to strict immigration policies. These hurdles can cause delays and added stress. 

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high  Burohelp Benefits

Engage with students like them

On Burohelp prospective students can talk with other students that are already studying at your university. We can make sure they share many things in common: language, culture and gender. This way prospective students make a real connection with your university and what it really feels to be there.

The university selects & trains the students that provide help. This way you can be confident that prospective students receive relevant information and context. 

When it's time to make the important decisions people trust other people like them. Reading explanations on a website can never compete with a talk with a real person. You want to be there for the talk when they make their final decision. 

Burohelp operates as a Marketing Hub, sharing authentic stories.

This strengthens your global marketing efforts to highlight the impact and reach of your educational programs.


We help your enrolment team deliver much more

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Enrol new students

Make a real connection with potential students.
Help them make the right decision.


+ VAT | Per month

  • Enrol more new national & international students
    Burohelp will connect your university with a higher volume of national and international potential students that are considering enrolling in your university.
  • Engage with them at the right time
    Address their concerns with a reassuring video call from a existing student or employee to influence their choice towards your university.
  • 100 hours included every month
    All hours used in a month above the 100 hours included are paid at 5 EUR / hour + VAT.

Pricing examples

To better understand how our pricing adapts to your University's usage let's look at two examples

Example 1

  • University A uses Burohelp for enrolling new national & international students
  • In January, University A used Burohelp for 80 hours (video calls) to engage with new national & international students. University A paid only 499 EUR + VAT (subscription)
  • In February, University A still had 20 hours prepaid from January (as only 80 out of 100 hours were used), so now it has 120 hours included (20 carried over + 100 new). Burohelp delivered 140 hours in February, and University A paid 499 EUR + VAT (subscription) + 5 EUR + VAT x 20 additional hours = 599 EUR + VAT.


  • University B uses Burohelp for enrolling new national & international students
  • In January, University B used Burohelp for 200 hours (video calls) to engage with new national & international students. University B paid 499 EUR + VAT (subscription) + 5 EUR + VAT x 100 hours = 1,099 EUR + VAT
  • In February, University B used Burohelp for 300 hours to engage with new national & international students. University B paid 499 EUR + VAT (subscription) + 5 EUR + VAT x 200 hours = 1,499 EUR + VAT.

Discover more about Burohelp

Got questions? Reach out for detailed insights on how we can tailor our solutions to your needs.